Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year

This year: No resolutions. Only setting goals throughout the year, rather than only at the beginning of the year. I think that if you only set "resolutions" at the beginning of the year, you are more likely to not follow through with them. The only thing that I am setting at the beginning of the year, is to try to do something new every single day of the year! I am going to try to log them and share them at the end of every month. Hopefully this goes throughout the year. I think this will be a good way to experience a lot of new things, if I consciously write them down and think about it! :)

And as always, I set a "reading goal" every year. This year, my goal is 24 books. I will also be logging those as well. It will be about 2 books a month, so hopefully I can keep up with that.

Hope everyone is well. I am all moved into my one bedroom apartment in Chatham Square and I have continued working in Liberty Square in my extension.

Have a wonderful week y'all!

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